
Full Armor:  Your Right to be Protected and Receive Services                           
  • Design and wrote curriculum and workbook for officers to use and keep as a reference
  • Train 27 Law Enforcement Officers in small group setting over 4 half days
  • Provide information on Mental Health and Wellness for those in law enforcement

How to Reach Their Heart to Teach Their Mind: Encouraging Trauma Healing Through Compassion in the Classroom 

  • Keynote Speaker for Carlow University’s Trauma Series
  • Understanding the types of trauma and responses to trauma
  • The impact trauma has on learning (brain, language, physical, social and emotional development)
  •  Establish a Trauma Informed Compassionate Classroom
  • Stages of healing trauma
  • Styles of emotional expression

Part I:  Increasing Organizational Capacity through Self-Care Practices                               

  • Explore barriers to self-care when working in a service-oriented environment
  • Develop a working knowledge and understanding as to how the practice self-care through mental health awareness can increase individual wellness and cohesiveness among colleagues in turn supporting a healthy work environment and healthy organization
  • Discuss and discover ways in which to create safe and meaningful channels of communication within and throughout the organization
  • Discover how self-care increases the capacity to effectively provide service to others while efficiently meeting the organizational mission
  • Practice communicating individualized needs to meet collective goals
Part II:  Building Organizational Capacity:  The Impact Effective Communication has on Organizational Growth 
  • Reviewed Constructive and Destructive Communication styles and provide an overview of the elements for each
  • Practice self-reflection as to how oneself can perpetuate negative communication derailing positive momentum
  • Explore how to increase Constructive Communication in a manner resulting in positive organizational growth

Part 2:  The Effects Maternal Mental Health has on Children             

  • Continuation from session one with focus on how maternal mental health impacts child development
  • Interactive conversation on domains in which children are developmentally impacted
  • Discussion about interventions and real life scenarios participants could share without feeling judged
  • Discussion of trauma and the impact it has on children and caregivers
 What is Mental Health and Why is It Important?                              
  • Interactive presentation with teen mothers and members of the Maikuru Group introducing mental health and wellness awareness
  • Discussion of how to advocate for one’s mental health as a woman and parent
  • Provide information on the delineation between mental health and mental illness

Kick Bullying to the Curb:  Raising Resilient Children                          

  • An interactive and hands-on approach to teach parents, educators, church leaders and other stakeholders the emotional, physiological, spiritual and psychological effects bullying can have on children
  • Presentation before 65 participants on bullying and mental health
  • Discuss methods by which to help insulate children against bullying
  • Explore the various avenues that students can be exposed to excessive teasing and/or bullying
  • Wilkinsburg PD
  • Carlow University School of Education
  • PITT School of Nursing & Maikuru Group
  • Youth Enrichment Services Program
  • Blessed Be Educators
  • Allegheny Intermediate Unite #3
  • TRIO Upward Bound Program- CalU